Billing & Insurance
Jessie Blois Speech and Myofunctional Therapy is an out-of-network provider. It is our mission to provide the most comprehensive and holistic care to you or your child. We believe in being able to provide consistent treatment without the interruption of insurance denials or issues. Superbills will be provided upon request, which you may use to request reimbursement for qualifying speech or myofunctional therapy services from your insurance company.
Frequently Asked Questions
Don't see your question? Give us a call! We will be happy to answer your questions, discuss your concerns, and provide guidance on the next steps.
What is an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD) and how do I know if I or my child have one?
Orofacial myofunctional disorders occur when the muscles of the face, tongue, and mouth are not functioning properly. Signs that an OMD is present include:
Mouth breathing
Speech Sound Disorders
Improper tongue resting posture
Difficulties with feeding and swallowing
Oral habits, such as prolonged pacifier use, thumb sucking, or nail biting
Trouble sleeping and/or waking up tired
Tongue thrust
Orthodontic, dental, or speech therapy treatment is not effective
Interference in the proper development and growth of the bones and muscles of the face and mouth
What is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) and how is it beneficial?
OMT is a re-patterning of the improper function of the facial and oral muscles. Benefits include but are not limited to:
Improved breathing patterns (nasal breathing)
Proper tongue resting posture
Clearer, correct speech productions
Correct chewing and swallowing patterns
Reduction in TMJ symptoms
Improved posture
Elimination of prolonged oral habits
What else should I know about OMT?
Other interrelated issues that may be interfering with proper development and causing OMDs include reduced airway space and tethered oral tissues (TOTs; e.g. tongue ties). We work with individuals before and after a frenectomy or frenuloplasty procedure to ensure proper surgical preparation and optimal post surgical healing and outcomes.
How long does OMT take?
Myofunctional therapy can take anywhere from 4-12 months. Those that attend sessions consistently and practice exercises at home can expect to see progress at a faster rate.
What if I only need speech therapy?
Speech sound disorders are very often the result of an OMD. However, if an evaluation reveals that an OMD is not present treatment will focus strictly on treating articulation.
Is there any difference between how therapy looks for an adult versus a child?
Yes! For adults and older children, a series of exercises that focuses on strength, range of motion, and function will be used in order to progress through an OMT treatment program. All plans of care are individualized so no two will be exactly the same. For children under the age of five, therapy sessions incorporate more of a play based approach, and homework/carryover involves parent involvement and education.